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Information [GUIDE] From zero to hero! (New Players)
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 10:45 PM - Forum: Help and Support - Replies (3)

This is a Tutorial to help new players to start from zero on IAGaming and set up a farming party with the help of L2Walker.

As any custom server, IA has its particularities, and I will try to explain the basics for a successful farming party, mobs edits, materials spots, items crafting, characters status, the PvP system, buffs and the L2walker configuration.
If you know which class you want as MainChar, and you ready to donate, ask someone else to level you up. A high level char can do it alone and fast. Or get invited to a farm pt which can be even faster. Although I would rather level up different classes und try them out, before investing the money in a Char that won't satisfy your player style.
There is a Donations System that allows a refresh on your amount, so you can reuse your COINS, but it has a cost, and it's a waste of money if you need to do it frequently.

#Getting online
At first download the iA c3 Client Installer.(Approximately 2.07 GB and make sure to set folder as an exception for your AntiVirus or he won´t let the installer download and install the data.)
Create and activate your Accounts. (Make sure to use a valid e-mail to receive the activation code)
Download the L2walker.(Extract the files on the Client folder to prevent the AntiVirus to block it)
*Don´t forget to read the Rules when you create your account, and pay attention to a very important one: DONATE TO WIN.

Now that you have your chars, its time to get started with L2Walker. Use that Tutorial to set it up working. Please click the links below to setup your l2walker and bots.



Here are some configs you can use. Just change the names on the parties and save. Everytime ready to load and fight. http://www.4shared.com/rar/dcwDqK-Vba/I ... r_INI.html

#Char Key
If you do know which class you are going to play as MainChar, you should already link your Char_key to that account. If not, just set it up to any char of yourse. By configurating it, your char will be rewarded with IRCCoins und IACoins, that will be later used for extra adena or as material to craft high level items.
For setting up your character key/getting coins CLICK HERE <

#Useful characters.
Later you can create, level up, and equip a char that you like pvping with, but on IA your farming party is mostly more important than your PvPchar or MainChar because after you have it working for you, you can just go afk and let them farm whatever you need to equip your ExperimentalChars. Many players are using a full party to farm faster, but I will focus on make it available with 5 to 6 chars because I know that some of you are playing with very old PC´s and multiboxing requires a lot from your Processor.) -> To decrease the CPU usage, use iA's sleep mode by clicking HERE <
You will need an ElvenElder, two Tyrants, a Tank, a Prophet, BountyHunter, and later a Bishop.

#Level up

*If someone could level you up, let he do it!

ElvenElder, 2xTyrant, Tanker(SK). (CoreParty) later BountyHunter, Bishop, Prophet.
With them all: single lvl up until lvl 20 1st Job
0-14 Elven Village (All races spawns here)
14-24 Ruins of Despair
Make 2nd Job and party EE+TR and SK + TR
24-40 Death Pass.
40-52 Cruma Tower
Make a 4 Man Party EE+TR+TR2+SK
52-63 Forbidden Gateway
63-80 Scholl of Dark Arts.
Close to lvl 72 with the CoreParty, you create a Prophet, a BountyHunter und a Bishop that can teleport to SoDA at lvl 20 and get XP from the CoreParty.
At lvl 80, you should be able to start farming important materials. As much as you farm, better can You equip your Party and farm faster and safer in complicated areas.
At that point, you might have already an Idea about what MainChar/PvP you will want.
If you are not satisfied with you class, just afk level up another one, and try it out.
In case you loved your class, DONATE TO WIN. That’s the most important rule on IA PvP scenario.
You can farm Royal Demons and Royal Tattos or even a Hero Weapon, but it worth your money to get some +25 armor/Jewels. Maybe more than one armor set, for different purposes.
This process to this point, with the CoreParty functional to start farming Basic Demons took me one week.
Before you start to farm a Hero Weapon, you will need to get the PT stronger, with better items, because the farming spots are brutal.

Leveling up.
*If you already got friends, ask them to help you on lvling up your core party, but if you are a solo player or a forever alone kid, just go through this sequence and create this accounts and name your chars:
I suggest to start leveling up dual box the Tyrant and the ElvenElder. You need only 7min at Elven Village to get lvl 14. Use the skill Return to go back to Town.
Find the Gatekeeper and go Ruins of Despair. There you can buy more Soulshots and Buff Scroll Packs. Another 15 min and you will be lvl 24+. Time to Return again and go Giran. At lvl 20 you have already Expertise C grade and enough money to gear up the tyrant. Don’t forget to get tattoos both left and right. No need to buy anything for the Elven Elder yet, just make sure she stays in party to lvl up together with the tyrant. If you find a Prophet there, ask for buffs, they might help you.(If you see IATutorialPP online, you will get buffed for sure) Their buffs are a way better than the Scrolls and they have also Prophecy buffs.
Learn the 1st Job in Giran and go with them both to Death Pass. I hope you not to have any problems here. Soon you both will be at level 40. Time to go Giran and learn the 2nd job. Annoying is that now you will need to learn the skills manually.
Things are getting slower. It´s time to do lvl up your 2nd Tyrant and the Tanker. Once you make their 2nd job, you should start a 4 man Party with l2walker at Cruma Tower until they reach lvl 52. Time to go gear up with B grade. In Giran, exchange the SealStones for AncientAdena and get your first SA weapons with the Blacksmith of Mammon. Head to Forbidden Gateway and farm lvl 61 to get A grade expertise. At this point, you will not have enough adena/materials to craft A grade, but its time to level your Bounty Hunter and your Bishop to level 10, and invite them to your pt. (If you see any from the IATutorial** chars online, ask for A grade weapons. I will hook you up with some, and also Greater Tattos).
Go to School of Dark Arts, take the low lvls to a safe point and let your party work for you. When it starts to get too easy, go deeper to bigger rooms in SoDA until all your chars are lvl 80, so you can start farming useful materials to get enough SP to learn all Skills. (The good thing about going early to SoDA is that it is an important farm place for Demons Tatoos, and by being there at the entrance, you can met with old players, that can help you somehow and off course to become good friends or even enemies. But it took actually longer than I expected so I went to DVC-Dragon Valley Cave, and farmed Material S grade from Kariks. When the full PT reached lvl 80, I had already 1200 materials, enough to craft 2 S Grade Weapons.(Like 12 hours with L2walker up und mostly afk. But if you are going to farm, it takes a lot longer, as you may expect.)
Your next concern will be equipments to be able to farm the materials you will need. There are very though spots, where you can’t farm without top items.
It is very important for any L2walker FarmParty, afk or not, to be somehow safe. They must be equipped enough to the site. If your PT dies, you will lose a lot of time. As long as they stay up, they need to be active. It takes quit a time to login 7 chars, buff them, buy shoulshots and potions, learn skills and then go somewhere. If even take the buffer at the party sometimes, when I know they might die if soulshots or mana potions are over, if they get stucked or some window crash. Its easier to rebuff and buy soulshots there from a trader and let the party flow, than going all over back to Giran and teleporting 8 chars again. Waste of time.
You better farm where no one is going to die. The EE and the BP keep the party healed and charged. The Tank spams hate auras and prevent them from being killed. The Tyrants are full Zerk/Vamp and do decent damage in PvE.
The farming areas are PeaceZones, so your bots won't get PKed.

Check out the process:

On IA you got 20 slots for buffs, but using healing and mana potions simultaneously they will consume 2 slots. The debuffs play also a role, so you have only 18 basic slots, that you can manage to use only one potion at the time, and get once debuffed and still keep the important buffs.
There are also a lot of class Toggle Skills, wich can be toggled without occupying a buff slot.
Every buff set up has its pro/contras, and IA isn't a big massive pvp server. The PvPs are mostly 1x1 or Zergs. So you may buff for the occasion.
Your items, class, party and a lot of other things may interfere into your choices, so its personal. Try out different combinations and use your buffer as you wish. The Prophet have all the Buffs, Dances, Songs and Prophecies.
But in a pvp scenario:
if you get stunned, you are dead;
if you get slept, you are debuffed and probably dead;
if got holded, you are dead;
and that's why resistance buffs need to be overrated.
Play also with Right Tattos. One for every situation. From resists to damage.
I suggest that you take a look at the buffs on the pictures farming as an example.

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Information [GUIDE] How to setup your BOTS with L2Walker!
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 08:56 PM - Forum: Help and Support - Replies (1)

First of all, open l2asrv (run as administrator) and l2walker (run as administrator). 

NOTE! Bounty Hunters do only have to press END on the KEYBOARD, no other settings needed.

Log ingame and press HOME on your KEYBOARD. 

Go to Heal options. (For healers)

[Image: 83jUcl.png]

Next step is to go to Party Settings

[Image: bIoSzV.png]

Now we're going to Party Heal (For Healers)

If you are an Elven Elder or Shillien Elder you can enable MP and select Mana Recharge skill.

[Image: G6W6Zi.png]

For damage dealers we will have some settings put in Policy both in Far Attacks & Short Attacks

[Image: J0HQch.png]

[Image: o7P2Xi.png]

Let's run the soulshot/blessed spiritshots script in Script Run.

[Image: 7seYcZ.png]

Let's save your settings in Other Ctrl so you dont have to do this over and over.

[Image: vg6K3R.png]

CONGRATULATIONS! You can now farm like a prO!

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Posted by: HouseOfPain - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 07:59 PM - Forum: Help and Support - Replies (2)

Hello. I have a few problems with "the new stuff", i will explain all of them below.

So, i tryed to make a WebAccount with the email that i used to register all of my acc's and it sayd that the page doesent support that email (@abv.bg), so i used a @gmail.com one.
After that i tryed to link all of my old acc's and it sayd : Error! Account detail do not match.
Asked dexter for help, and he sayd that my acc's are linked to a DWA that i made back in the years and i should wait Spadie to fix this. (im pretty sure that i spoked with Smoke for a DWA but i dont remember if he made me one or no.)
Today i tryed to register in the new forum, but it sayd that someone is using my name. omg lol.
Can you please link my ingame accounts to my new WebAccount, make me a DWA and change the name here to HouseOfPain? 
Thanks in advance!

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Information [GUIDE] How to get IRC Coins!
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 07:15 PM - Forum: Help and Support - No Replies

Visit Web Account here and sign in.
Press Menu and then go to Character Key.

[Image: UWOA4q.png]

Now you copy the characterkey you want to use.

[Image: pNI9vb.png]

Go to iA Chat and type /charkeyset char_key_here

[Image: OWInEG.png]

CONGRATULATIONS! You can now earn IRC Coins!

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Posted by: Anisoropos - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 06:04 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (14)

Ill be back when i retrive missed items from HouseOfScamm

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Information [GUIDE] How to setup L2Walker
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 10:40 AM - Forum: Help and Support - Replies (1)

Download L2Walker Here

Password is iagaming.

1. Extract l2walker.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_01.png]

2. Copy hosts file.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_02.png]

3. Paste it to "C:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc".
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_03.png]

4. Click "Copy and Replace" option.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_04.png]

5. Click "Continue".
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_05.png]

6. Run l2asrv as administrator.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_06.png]

7. Click "Yes".

8. Run l2walker as administrator.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_08.png]

9. Click "Yes".

10. Click "Hide".
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_10.png]

11. Run iA c3.
[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_11.png]

12. Press "home key" to open the l2walker menu.

[Image: ia_walker_guide_w7_12.png]

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Information [GUIDE] How to use Sleeper
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 01:59 AM - Forum: Help and Support - Replies (1)

What is "sleeper"?
It is a program used to "make your pc run more lineage clients". So this way, if before you were able to bot only 3 clients, now you should be able to bot at least with 5!(and more(depends on your machine)).

What does "sleeper" do?
It makes life easier. It reaLLy does. I will not go into details of how does it work, because most of BRs and GRs will not understand it anyway. The basic principle of how it works: IT MAKES YOUR L2 HAVE FPS LAG, this way your machine can handle more clients. Perfect for people who like botting and being FuLL aFK. P.S. teleport takes longer time as well.

Where can I get or find "sleeper" ?
It is located in ia_c3\system. All you need to find are 3 files seen in the picture below.

[Image: cdb37f0876fc996a0ba4a66dce1f4c82.png]

What do I do after I find those 3 files?
Next step to do, is to open sleep.ini file (see picture below), and pick the right settings.

[Image: 959e6498c5e9deac294f85bef36e43ed.png]

How does the sleep.ini file look "inside"? How do I know which parameters to choose?

The sleep.exe uses only 3 lines of .ini file (see below). You do not care about anything else, only 3 lines displayed below.

[Image: 548521e2f5523fa096fe93ce4b7a36d9.png]

Everything else (see below) is just a simple comment and explanation of how the parameters work.

[Image: 6e118c019d693dc521d2f8dcfffcdd18.png]

Which parameters to choose? What is "mode=7" and "delay=180"?

 - how "hard" your L2 will "FPS lagg" in a scale from 1 to 10 ( I do not recommend using more than 8).

delay=180 - after 180 seconds, the sleep mode=7 will start to work. So basically it is saying that 180 seconds after you run your L2 client, your sleeper will not work. I personally use 180.
3 minutes is enough for me to setup my walker and then sleeper starts to work and starts to "FPS LAGG" my client.

What do I do after I configure sleep.ini?

You save the changes, close the sleep.ini and use sleep.exe or sleep_x64.exe based on your operating system.

I opened sleep.exe or sleep_x64.exe and it disappeared instantly. Does it matter my configuration is wrong or my sleeper does not work?

No. That is the way it works. You will not have any window like l2walker. You run the sleep.exe, it opens and then closes instantly.

What do I do after I run sleep.exe?

You run your l2.exe (open your game). Your sleeper will start working based on the seconds you configured in sleep.ini "delay=...".

If you have any questions, read the guide again.

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Information [GUIDE] How to make your own Web Account!
Posted by: EmmE - Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, 01:45 AM - Forum: Help and Support - No Replies

Visit Web Master Account.
Press Sign Up.

[Image: n0TOGx.png]

Fill in your details. The display name you choose will avoid others using your nickname.

[Image: CzrYlA.png]

Press CLICK HERE TO GET EMAIL. Remember to check your SPAM FOLDER.
Then Activate your account.

[Image: yREGQO.png]

It's time to activate your web master account.

[Image: 7ayCdO.png]

CONGRATULATIONS!  You can now start linking and managing your in-game accounts!

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  New Account Page
Posted by: Spadie - Monday, June 1st, 2020, 06:31 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

The new account page is found here:


If you have an issues you can contact staff in IRC.

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  First Post!
Posted by: Spadie - Friday, May 8th, 2020, 04:57 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

First Post, omg cool!

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